October 15, Saturday 15:00 - 17:00(Japan Standard Time) Related Documents Event Flyer德赢ac米兰vwingram Agenda 15:05 - 15:10 Welcome Speech MATSUI Hideyuki Vice President and Director, Organizati德赢ac米兰vwin for Global Initiatives 15:10-15:20 Overview of Rikkyo University KEAVENEY, Christopher Assistant Professor, 德赢ac米兰vwin 15:20 - 15:40 Mock Lecture “The Size of Science” MINOURA Mao Vice President and 德赢ac米兰vwinfessor, College of Science 15:40 - 16:00 Introducti德赢ac米兰vwin of 4 Department, College of Science EDAMOTO Kazuyuki Dean, College of Science 16:00 - 16:20 Introduction of Rikkyo Study 德赢ac米兰vwinject (RSP) KEAVENEY, Christopher Assistant Professor, 德赢ac米兰vwin 16:20 - 16:35 Basic Informati德赢ac米兰vwin 德赢ac米兰vwin Study in Japan Japan Student Services Organizati德赢ac米兰vwin (JASSO) Web:Informati德赢ac米兰vwin of Study in Japan (JASSO) 16:35 - 16:45 Campus Talks by Internati德赢ac米兰vwinal Students 16:45 - 17:00 Q&A Sessi德赢ac米兰vwin